Father & daughter enjoying a glass floor

Dizziness & Vertigo

Vertigo treatment at MMTR begins with a comprehensive assessment, detailing the history and status of symptoms to help rule out potential medical conditions causing the dizziness. Using the MyoWorx® approach, we reveal underlying injury that should be addressed prior to additional therapy. We also frequently work with a Guelph-based specialist, Dr. Brenda Berge, who is a Doctor of Audiology and specialist in assessing whether or not the patient’s symptoms are the result of crystals being out of place within the inner ear.

MyoWorx® research for the treatment of vertigo and dizziness indicates that 74% of patients improve with the treatment. These responses are compiled from the analysis of patient data using the outcome measurement known as the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI).

If you would like to book an appointment or learn more about our approach: Contact Us

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo and dizziness are often viewed as one and the same condition. However, there can be distinctions as to how a patient may experience their symptoms and what may be causing them. A more extreme and typically more debilitating symptom is the experience of the room spinning around you. A less intense sensation is the patient feeling as if they are spinning or off-kilter, also known as lightheadedness. Some may differentiate the more extreme sensation as vertigo and the less extreme as dizziness.

Sometimes, the symptoms are caused by medical conditions such as an ear infection or high blood pressure. These causes should be treated or cleared medically by a physician.

Occasionally, a patient may be suffering from a displacement of what’s known as “crystals” within the inner ear through which your brain senses position and balance. In this instance, the dizzy spells stem from certain movements and the patient may experience that more violent sense of the room spinning around them. This cause is known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV. This type of vertigo or dizziness can be readily addressed by a practitioner trained in the Epley Maneuver. Ideally, the patient would be assessed by a specialist who can accurately assess for a true BPPV and differentiate this from what we see as a more common issue: irritation of the vestibular nerve.

Using the MyoWorx® approach, the clinical data compiled has identified other symptoms that are commonly associated with dizziness or vertigo. These are tinnitus (ringing in ears), sinus symptoms, or sometimes TMJ dysfunction.